Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors
  • Manuscripts are to be submitted in English, each manuscript must include an abstract (in English). The paper will also be followed by an abstract in Arabic. The Journal is responsible, however, for the translation of abstracts into Arabic for foreign authors.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared on personal computers in MS-Word XP format. The text of the manuscript should be written on one side of white paper (A4, 210 X 297 mm), one and half space and the font type should be New Roman 12. All contributions must be sent in triplicates (or via e-mail) to the editor of the Journal.
  • The manuscripts start with title (in bold capital letters) , then the author(s) name(s) and the address of the institution where the author(s) is (are) working, then the abstract not exceeding 200 words followed by keywords of a maximum of 12 words.
  • Text: Includes an introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references (It is also acceptable results and discussion as one section) and if there is a need for an acknowledgment it should be placed before reference list.
  • Illustrations and Tables: All tables, black and white photographs and figures (on separate sheets and with serial numbers) combined with the legends which should be self _ explanatory. The author should indicate for them in the text in the appropriate location. Black and white (or colored when necessary) photographs should be on strong polished papers. Information in tables should not be repeated in figures and vice versa.
  • Units and Abbreviations: All sizes and quantities should be expressed in the system International (SI) units. Standardized abbreviations should only be used.
  • References: In the text should be written according to the author(s) _ year system. In the list are to be listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the first authors. Journal names to be written in full. The bibliography should be written as follows:
    • For a Book: Moubasher AH 1993. Soil fungi in Qatar and other Arab countries. The Scientific and Applied Research Centre, University of Qatar, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar, 566 pp.
    • For a book chapter: Butler EE and Bracker C 1970. Morphology and cytology of Rhizoctonia solani. In: Rhizoctonia solani, biology and pathology; Parmeter JR, Jr (Ed.), Univ. California Press, Berkeley, pp. 32-51.
    • For a journal article: Moubasher AH, Mazen MB and Abdel-Hafez AII (1984): Studies on the genus Fusarium in Egypt. III. Seasonal fluctuatins of Fusarium in rhizoplane of five plants. Mycopathologia 85: 161-165.
  • Nomenclature: Latin names should conform to the International code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). New taxa (genera or species) must be substantiated by a latin diagnosis including a reference to the Culture Collection(s) where the type culture is deposited.

In case of acceptance:
  • Proof of the paper will be sent to the principal author for reviewing and making only the required corrections. If not returned within a month (from the date of sending the proof), publishing of the paper will be delayed to the next issue of the journal.
  • The Editorial Board provides an acceptance letter, and principal author will receive 10 reprints after paying the publishing cost.